What Not To Wear Wednesday – Camo

The title says it all, WNTWW or What To Wear Wednesday (trust me, this is going to be hashtag worthy one day) is going to be my new feature, based on my opinion of certain fads/trends/clothes/pieces. Sometimes, some of them just need to go

Currently, I am working with an online retailer by the name of neonsis.com . I am their North American consultant and buyer, so it’s pretty vital for me to keep up with what the new trends are, and how people will receive it. Now, I am not going to be ripping you off with a simple, “I HATE THIS”, I will try to justify my humble opinion.

So for my first WNTWW, I have chosen the fad camo print. For those of you unfamiliar with the camo print, here it is: 
I have seen some seriously fashionable people taking on this print. I recoiled at the sight, because that made  me re-live the year when I was 8 years old, and camo came in all colours and forms. I think something that prevents this print from enjoying the same longevity that various animal prints have is the fact that it borders boisterous. Perhaps it’s the hint of “anti-fashion” laced in it that rubs me the wrong way.  I’m glad to see that it is coming off from its popularity that it had late last summer.



Honestly, I think that this is fantastic as a uniform , but when you’re in a big city, you don’t need to be running around like the poster child for an army advert. Unless you’re hunting for squirrels in Central Park, this fad is a pass.

Thanks for reading!

Much love,


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