Fashion Girl’s Kryptonite

Today, my boyfriend asked me a question based on something he had read here. The question is: why does it seem like younger fashion conscious males are more concerned with quality products while younger fashion conscious females are alright with fast fashions?

Well, you see, fast fashion can be considered the kyptonite of fashion girls. Is it because we don’t care about quality? No, it’s not that. No one wants a garment that will fall apart in five washes.

The thing about fashion is that because it’s always evolving, the attempt to catch up to pieces that are on-trend can be quite difficult if not for the fast fashion retailers. For those of us not blessed with a stuffed piggy bank and a loaded wallet, fast fashion retailers are the affordable way to go about staying relevant in fashion.

At this point in time, while the male fashion market is expanding and more variety is becoming available,  guys do not nearly have as much in the way of selection as girls. When it comes to trends, varieties, options to shop, the female market is completely saturated. This makes it very easy for us to get that fresh off the runway look for a fraction of the cost.  In other words, many guys at this point in time are concerned with quality, for the comparative lack in options, while girls indulge in dressing “in the moment”.  I think for classic pieces with a long “wardrobe life”, we are willing to spend a more money for the quality.

While many girls love and really, really want to support the industry, the designers and their creations (from where fast fashion retailers draw their *inspirations* from) , it’s just not attainable. That’s why there are so many blogs out there dedicated to inspiring people with outfit ideas using pieces that aren’t at all that expensive. With the technology now-a-days, fashion can be an affordable luxury. Quality is one aspect of fashion,  styling and making it speak for you is another. Having both is not really an option for everyone, and I think many fashion girls opt for the freedom to express themselves for less of a cost.

There are many of us who also like to thrift, but the quality of selections available in thrift stores largely depends on where you are.

Just my two cents on fashion girls (and guys who love fast fashion). Here are some ways that I did fast fashion :p







(The more I post, the more I realise I’m not cut out to be a fashion blogger, at least not in the conventional sense of the word, haha!)

Thanks for reading!

Much love,


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